Developed to confront head-on the feeling that doctors have heard empty promises before ... and that OMA Insurance is different.

Because OMA Insurance is part of the OMA, they truly understand what doctors' insurance needs are at every stage of their careers.

Other companies can make claims, but because OMA Insurance is not-for-profit, they really do save doctors money.

Doctors tend to think they're invincible, that nothing will go wrong, and that they don't need extra coverage. We wanted to show them that "Hey, you never know."

Right from the homepage we sort visitors by career stage - demonstrating how we really know what they need at every stage.

A customizable package to deliver product sheets based on career stage and coverage needs.

Insurance needs subdivided by Asset, Income and Business protection - each available for the four stages of a doctor's career.

Insurance needs subdivided by Asset, Income and Business protection - each available for the four stages of a doctor's career.

Complete view of folder kit, inner folders and product sheets.

Every OMA Insurance product sheet was rewritten to align with the new brand design and product navigation.

A new product launched to give doctors with Critical Illness insurance additional coverage after retirement.

A new product launched to give doctors with Critical Illness insurance additional coverage after retirement.
OMA Insurance Rebranding
As part of the Ontario Medical Association, OMA Insurance needed to differentiate and better articulate their offering. Becuase they're not-for-profit, OMA Insurance is the only unbiased source of insurance advice at every stage of a doctor's career.
This creative was built around two fundamental insights: Doctors think they've heard all the insurance mumbo-jumbo before, and while they do a serieous job, they like a bit of humour now and then.
And the last thing we wanted to do was show the same smiling, happy, stock-photo people on golf courses and sailboats that every insuarance company features in their materials.